Monday, June 15, 2009

I've never heard of it?

I see I promised a story in my last entry. Obviously, this isn't a story. This is Winnie sitting at the precipice of DOOM (yes, like 'utterly, utterly hopeless' Sauron-will-come-and-eat-us DOOM) gloriously procrastinating when she should be studying for her Business Law exam. Alternatively, it could be Winnie in equally glorious denial about the fact that this exam has even been thought into existance. Really, it's all the same: I'm currently not studying.

Why am I here?
What am I doing here?
What is my purpose?

(Oh Lord, answer my prayers!) Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm not very religious.*

Now, all these are very pretty existential questions. And they have nothing to do with the meaning of life. Ahh, the meaning of life. We could ramble on about that for a very long time but since:


I'm going to study. Story next time? Hmm, I don't know who I'd be disappionting if there weren't. Probably got a readership of zero. 'Mmmm, donuts...'**

And with that I bid thee, my love, the sweetest adieu.

*Probably less religious than a marshmallow.
** Get it? zero looks like 0? Donut? buahaha! SHh.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blame Winter

I haven't been feeling very well lately. Somehow those sunbeams and lollipops have disappeared only to be replaced by an overriding sense of gloom. I could moan on and on about how my nose is sniffly, my joints are aching and how life is all very melancholy in general, but I won't because that takes far too much effort.

And I'd be lying.

In fact, I'm so healthy I could go for another of those 12k swims.

Ahh well, let's start a story. A funny story.

Later, since I'm off to teach the kiddies.

Monday, May 18, 2009


PS: I am aware of the irony in the last blog. It was intended.

Another one?!

So after a bit of late night delirium, I'm feeling the chill of regret trickle down my spine.

Another blog, you say?

Another one?!

Honestly, unless the writer has some sort of theme, I've never seen the point of blogs. Besides, I've got a perfectly good diary that has been feeling unloved lately.
Oh well, we'll how long this one lasts.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Social Gassing

This is for you, Alison.


Oh, you are lovely :)